tures of myself in various costumes. Some were bathing suit shots and I had them developed commercially and a question raised about the identity of the
girl in them.
During the Korean War I was recalled to active duty with the Air Force. I therefore destroyed these pictures and other things I had accumulated in order that they would not be found. My wife accompanied me and with a new camera and developing outfit, we took many pictures of each other. Several times we decided to take some joke pictures of each other. I suggested we ought to take one of me made up as a girl which we did. I later suggested we do it again and she did not take to the idea so I did not bring it up again. But I did take some myself when she was not around, and one evening she discovered that my legs were shaved. I made the excuse I just wanted to see how it felt (as if I didn't know) and she made me promise not to do it again. I'm afraid I broke it, times too numerous to count. Also at this time the story came out about the now famous "Christine." Her story really fascinated me as I guess it did every other TV in the country. And what luck, she came to a local theater on a personal appearance tour with the film she made and my wife was game to to see her. So we sat on the front row and really did enjoy it. After that, quite a few articles appeared about TS's and I saved every one. Of course my wife did not know I did, and I later destroyed most of them when we moved into a new house.
One day in 1954, about a year after I got off active duty, I ran across an ad in Photography Magazine for a new book on "Femme Mimics" by E. Carlton Winford that was being published in Dallas, Texas. The ad des- cribed it as "A pictorial record of female impersonation" so I knew I had to have it. Well you might have known, when I got home one day my wife had already opened the package and really got on me for ordering it. Well I had to think fast and I said that I read an ad that offered an "unusual book" for sale and that I did not know what it would be. She thought I did away with the book but I still have it. I learned then that there was no reasoning with her and that I better not let anything come to the house again. On another occasion